Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Religious Justification for Tsunami

If there's something I love more than college football . . . it's watching religious 'leaders' try to justify God's 'actions' in causing this massive loss of live.

I was watching USC dismantle OU, when during half time, I switched to Joe Scarborough. I landed into a bee hive. He had Jennifer Giroux and Billy Graham's daughter, Ann telling us just how loving God is and that this action will be a beacon of hope . . . I'm sorry. I think Billy Graham is a great man who is nothing like the other TV preachers, but I just wanted to bitch slap BOTH of those brainless twits and tell them to stop spewing such tripe. When normal people hear this nonsense, it should turn your stomach.

If you can't tell, this is where I have a hard time with religion. Having been raised in the Baptist church (hence my affection for ol' Billy) and a current weekly attendee at a Catholic church, yet not a member (I do it for the family), I've heard a lot of religion in my day. This is what has caused me to be believer in Zen... Yet I hear Ann repeat as if she's brainwashed how if we believe in the Cross all suffering will be relieved. Tell that to a man who has lost his wife, had his children ripped from his arms and lost all he's worked for. Jennifer Giroux spouted that it was our life styles of abortion and homosexuality which caused this type of catastrophe. She is the stupidest person alive. God would wipe out hundreds of thousands of Muslim, Buddhists and Christians for the sins of Americans. What arrogance, what an idiot!!!

This is why I can not believe God is a personal God. Jesus may have said God knows every hair on the head of every person, but if that's the case God is not the loving God espoused in the New Testament. No personal God that I know of would allow such mass extinction. This sounds more like the vindictive, vengeful God of the Old Testament. However, even then God always gave the people a chance. I mean if God would give Lot a chance to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if Lot could find 50 good people, ya think God would have given someone a chance to spare South Asia...

I'm sorry, but after an event like this their rationalization of a Just, Loving and Personal God rings hollow. Just as their rationalization of dinosaur or other fossils ring empty by saying God placed them there to test us after the flood. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a God-less heathen, well after reading this some folks may think so... But since I don't believe in Hell, I guess I'm OK!!!!

I do believe in a Divine Power, just not a personal one. It's more like a Supreme Powersource, not an Old Man with a Beard who listens to the prayers of people asking for things. Petition the Lord with prayer??? Petition the Lord with PRAYER!!! That's as bad as having an athlete tell us God helped him win his game!!! Cuz that implies God wanted the other person to lose or maybe it's just that the other person was just not worthy enough....Please.

Sorry to go off like this, but I love discussing religion since it is so personal.

Remember the root of all suffering is desire!

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