Monday, September 05, 2005


I’ve been just amazed with all that Katrina has wrought. I’ve been reticent in responding to the devastation and assistance for several reasons. Foremost being, not all the facts were in.

First, I think the primary fault squarely fall on the shoulders of three people: New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco and finally FEMA Director Michael D. Brown. All three should be held accountable.

Second, while I think Pres. Bush was 24hrs too slow in his response, I think that had to do with poor information not a ‘lack of compassion’ for the poor.

Finally, this was an absolute embarrassment, an entire breakdown of emergency management. We’ve know for decades the probability of the devastation awaiting New Orleans. So, this is not Bush’s fault. It’s the entire bureaucratic morass which is too be blamed. How can FEMA not have food and water ready? We knew for days the storm was coming.

From WaPo:
Behind the scenes, a power struggle emerged, as federal officials tried to wrest authority from Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). Shortly before midnight Friday, the Bush administration sent her a proposed legal memorandum asking her to request a federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans, a source within the state's emergency operations center said Saturday.
The administration sought unified control over all local police and state National Guard units reporting to the governor. Louisiana officials rejected the request after talks throughout the night, concerned that such a move would be comparable to a federal declaration of martial law. Some officials in the state suspected a political motive behind the request. "Quite frankly, if they'd been able to pull off taking it away from the locals, they then could have blamed everything on the locals," said the source, who does not have the authority to speak publicly.
A senior administration official said that Bush has clear legal authority to federalize National Guard units to quell civil disturbances under the Insurrection Act and will continue to try to unify the chains of command that are split among the president, the Louisiana governor and the New Orleans mayor.
Louisiana did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday, three state and federal officials said. As of Saturday, Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency, the senior Bush official said.
And this from FEMA Director Michael D. Brown:
Brown, a frequent target of New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin's wrath, said Saturday that "the mayor can order an evacuation and try to evacuate the city, but if the mayor does not have the resources to get the poor, elderly, the disabled, those who cannot, out, or if he does not even have police capacity to enforce the mandatory evacuation, to make people leave, then you end up with the kind of situation we have right now in New Orleans."
New Orleans City Council President Oliver Thomas acknowledged that the city was surprised by the number of refugees left behind, but he said FEMA should have been prepared to assist.
"Everybody shares the blame here," said Thomas. "But when you talk about the mightiest government in the world, that's a ludicrous and lame excuse. You're FEMA, and you're the big dog. And you weren't prepared either."
In Baton Rouge, Blanco acknowledged Saturday: "We did not have enough resources here to do it all. . . . The magnitude is overwhelming."
State officials had planned to turn to neighboring states for help with troops, transportation and equipment in a major hurricane. But in Katrina's case, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida were also overwhelmed, said Denise Bottcher, a Blanco spokesman.
Eu Rota has a good response to some issues brought forth by the anti-Bushies.
The Left in the US seems determined to find any angle (ranging from the irrational to the psychotic) to pin the blame of the devastating Hurricane Katrina on President Bush. They have tried so far: the global warming caused it angle, strike one; not enough Louisiana National Guard troops due to the war in Iraq, strike two; now, Bush cut money earmarked for flood control due to the war in Iraq, hopefully strike three.
It think it boils down to FEMA’s Brown is political crony ill prepared to run this vital office. He must go.


The probligo said...

And how about a city and state that plays hurricane roulette -

"We have five or six a year that miss..."

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