Saturday, October 04, 2008

Biden's Lack of Charity and Other Thoughts

Well, Palin's tax returns were released on Friday. The Palin's earned only $166,080 for 2007. I think that's kinda low for a two income family where one happens to be a governor of a state, but then I don't know how much Todd worked in 2007 if he was the primary care giver of the family since she was in Juneau. Either way, this shows they truly are a middle-income family.

I'd heard how much (or how little) the Biden's had given to charity a couple of weeks ago and was aghast at how little it was. They've given only $3,690 to charity since 1998!! This in spite of earning $284,000 in 2006 and 2007 alone. Only $3,690 for the last 10 years?!?!? I'm insulted!! Here is a man who is eagerly, willing and wantonly, planning on using MY taxes to redistribute America's wealth and yet he is unwilling to use his own money to assist those less fortunate than him. I guess he feels his taxes are enough of a personal commitment. So much for his Catholic faith of providing for the poor. I guess his belief of taxes being patriotic is his new faith:
“Catholic social doctrine as I was taught it is, you take care of people who need the help the most,” he said.
It reinforces the belief that Democrats just don't get how many Americans feel. We'd rather give our money to charities of our own choice than to give it to Government for them to dole out. Sad, just sad.


Watched the VP debate on Thursday after a about joy! I came in with questions about Palin after her interview with Katie Couric. The bits I saw were disturbing. Let's say some of the luster was lost. I began to question her readiness. There's no doubt she's set to be a major political player, but I was beginning to think it was a bit too soon.

However, after watching the debate, my fears were allayed. Don't get me wrong. She's still extremely green and has a lot to learn, but the foundation is there for her to be a power player. She held her own and sounded competent. She had a couple gaffes like that wacky expanding of the VP powers and mis-stating the commander in Afghanistan, but not nearly as bad as Biden's claim of the UN peacekeeping forces (at the behest of France and US) pushing out Hezbollah, his backing of 'clean' coal or that Obama never said he'd meet Iranian leader without preconditions. It's a shame Palin didn't pounce on these and nail him on them.

But I'm growing weary of this silly season and to think we have four more weeks of this nonsense.


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