Friday, May 28, 2004

Stupid Athletic Dribble

Check out the unbelievable rambling dribble from Reggie Rivers, the former NFL Denver Bronco, who now writes a weekly column for the Denver Post. He equates military service with slavery just because you can't quit when you when the going get tough.
Yes, our slaves signed up of their own free will, but most of them were as misled about their job as the rest of us were about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
And I don't think "slave" is too strong a word to describe someone who is not permitted to quit his job no matter how dangerous it becomes or how much he hates it. For most of us, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and guaranteed that we have the right to withhold our labor. It doesn't protect soldiers.

Granted our service personnel are unable to up and leave when they want, but via a court-martial and dishonorable discharge. Stretch this into slavery requires a hellva imagination or one big racial chip.
This reminds me of when Rahseed Wallace, then of the Portland Trailblazers, spouted how the NBA owners were 'slave masters and we're just their slaves'. Racism is ugly in any guise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dribble, drivel, dreck.

Jeez. While there's room to argue that the troops were misled about how many tours they'd have to do and so on, to equate it with slavery is just nuts.

Grr. Moronic!
