Wednesday, August 04, 2004

New Addition to the Family

I'm sincerely sorry to the handful of you who graciouly peruse my humble site for not diligently blogging , but we have a new addition to the MacBoar household and have been consumed with him. . .

I'd like to announce the addition of Shadow; a black lab with a touch of German Shepard! ! ! He's 10 weeks old and just a love.

For the last 10 months to a year, Mamma-san and her humble eunuch have promised the brood their first puppy. True to our word, we procrastinated as long as possible; yet also true to our word, we also came through.

So, once again I find myself up at 3:oo or 4:00am. This time it's to take Shadow out for potty training. So far so good. I've had no 'accidents', but the Wife has two on her watch. . . but who's counting, eh? snarf. . .

Now comes the life lessons all parents come to grips with throughout the Parenting experience. . . The Children are not as enamored with Shadow now that he's a member of our humble household! Oh, don't get me wrong, they'll play with him . . . for about ten minutes. It says a lot about our Children when they get more enjoyment from a Gameboy or the like, than rompin' around the yard with someone who give such unconditional love . . .

Well, the Wife and I are now the owners of such a wonderful love machine. We are the ones who romp back to our childhood days, while our own look on with a jaded eye.

Such irony . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And just where are the pictures of said love machine? :)
