Friday, September 10, 2004


Man, can you believe the fall out from Dan Rather's 60 Mins II biz on Bush's Texas Air National Guard (TANG). Talk about the blogsphere taking control and driving the topic. Powerline and LGF have taken this and ran with it. I've not permalinked their articles since they both have numerous entries. But they are convincing.

I've checked out both liberal and conservative sites and this has become such a major issue. The Left is saying "'nevermind the man behind the screen', trust us when we say he was AOL" while the Right is saying 'this issue has been vetted since 1992'.

I just don't care what either boy did 30 yrs ago. Although I do have an issue with Kerry playing the War Hero card when he thoroughly dissed ALL vets upon his return. My father-in-law (RIP) would have had a stroke after hearing Kerry's DNC speech. He did two tours and was in his third when he 'had' to return. He did 10 yrs as a Marine and then signed up for 10 yrs in the Army.

I enjoyed his company while he was alive. . . Hard living and bad genetics could not offset a keen mind.

Anyway, I digress. . .

Dan is screwed. . . All credibility is lost for CBS.

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