Wednesday, November 03, 2004

WOW! ! ! !

That pretty much says it all, eh? Did anyone really think Bush was going to win by such a margin??? Certainly not me!! I thought it was an up hill battle all the way. I figured the Iraq war and the incumbent factor was going to be enough to topple Bush. Man, am I surprised!!!

Where to start . . .

Is there any doubt now the MSM had a vested interest in the Exit Polls? How can Zogby, who was a reputable pollster, be taken seriously anymore? I know Exit Polls serve a purpose in Third World countries to monitor Government controlled media, but this isn't Venezuela. The egg is everywhere!!! But it's truly telling when MSM tries to direct the masses. What was it, 3:00pm ET when the MSM began trumpeting Kerry? Shame . . .

Bush's margin of victory, 3,500,000, is impressive!!! Now, as all four of you out there know, I'm not a kool-aid drinker for Bush. In fact, I was more concerned with what Kerry was going to do in the future than what Bush has done in the past. But 3 1/2 million?!?!?! Plus, the most votes in by a candidate in history!! 58 million? Wow! BUT pls don't think this is a mandate to run amok. . .

Several weeks ago, I blogged my experience of finding Air America in Oregon. I'd wondered why I had not found it in the Puget Sound area. Well, I stumbled on it in Seattle. It's like listening to Savage-on-the-Left. I listen to it and am amazed. Today was an entire day of diatribes on how Republicans "stole" the election and how we are now a 'fascist' nation. It was no different than listening to Savage or Rush, just as ignorant.

Then there were the Bloggers who are now on tilt. DU was off the chart, Lean Left was amazing and off the chart ridiculous!! Josh Marshall was about the most introspective of the bunch, but there still was the incredulous belief system that is strickly one dimensional.

There are those of us who see this election for it's entire ugliness and not a one sided 'woe, is me, how could we be treated like this!!!' Both sides pushed the envelope of acceptability. But then again, we're now waiting for `06 and Hillary ! !

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