Wednesday, December 29, 2004

WaPo Article on Bush "Insensitivity"

I couldn't believe what I read yesterday in the WaPo article Yahoo! News - Aid Grows Amid Remarks About President's Absence, but then after digesting it I found I was naive. After all, it was pointed out just how sensitive Clinton is/was and this implied just how callous Pres. Bush really is!!!

After all:

Skeptics said the initial aid sums -- as well as Bush's decision at first to remain cloistered on his Texas ranch for the Christmas holiday rather than speak in person about the tragedy -- showed scant appreciation for the magnitude of suffering and for the rescue and rebuilding work facing such nations as Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and Indonesia.


Usually only about 10 percent of the final aid tally is given in the initial response to a natural disaster, with the bulk of aid provided after an assessment of long-term needs, according to the State Department. "We know the needs will be greater. This was a disaster of almost unimaginable dimension, and it's going to require massive support for some time," State Department spokesman J. Adam Ereli said.
And yet:

Gelb [Ed. - Thanks to Wizbang for noting Gelb was a senior member of Kerry's Foreign relations team] said what appears to be a grudging increase in effort sends the wrong message, at a time when dollar totals matter less than a clear statement about U.S. intentions. Noting that the disaster occurred at a time when large numbers of people in many nations -- especially Muslim ones such as Indonesia -- object to U.S. policies in Iraq, he said Bush was missing an opportunity to demonstrate American benevolence.
"People do watch and see what we do," he said. "Here's an opportunity to remind people of the good we do, and he [Bush] can do it without changing his policy on Iraq or terrorism."
My heart goes out to those in Southern Asia. I've seen the home vids and it truly is amazing. It's not like Hollywood. This not a 100 ft wall of water, but the devastation is from a 10 to 20 foot wave. Most people just don't realize the power of water. I've been in the Pacific trying to body surf in high waves and you just get pounded trying to get out. But the energy from the tsunami is an amazing force.

But to have the U.N. cry about the US 'stingy' offerings is pathetic. Not all of our donations are through the auspices of our govt. We give so much to the Red Cross and Catholic Relief as well as many other organizations. For them to complain that our per capita donations do not live up to their wants after their UN-for-Food scandal is beyond the pale...

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