Saturday, February 12, 2005

Alan Keyes' Daughter

I stumbled on to something the other day at The Daou Report (and BTW, looks like he sold out to Salon... ugh) which I found intriguing.

I find certain folks reprehensible in their actions and deeds and Mr. Alan Keyes is truly reprehensible. The Daou Report pointed to an Oliver Willis site which brought to my attention something I didn't know (surprise!!!) but just floors me.

Seems the Alan Keyes, the rightwingnut, has a daughter who just happens to be a lesbian... This is the man who slams Mary Cheney as a 'selfish hedonist'. My god, the gall this 'man' has!!!

But wait, there's more!!! And this is enough to just piss off a 'normal' person. Seems, and I could be wrong, but from what I've been able to discern from her post, Maya was working for her father after moving from Maryland to Illinois. Well, she was fired from her job and now has been kicked out of her apartment. By her family unit....

So much for Compassionate Conservatives, eh? Now, I can see how a parent would not support a child for such things murder and other hard crimes, but to use a child and then discard them is unbelievable.

For the life of me, I can't understand the phobia some folks have over the gay/lesbian issue. The whole issue of marriage is beyond me. How can anyone think it's wrong for folks to love and support one another? Or deny access to a partner in a hospital? Or divide assets properly? Or, even better. go through the agony of divorce or child custody, which I've seen personally and it's no easier come hetero or homosexual.

Why does it seem these pompous asses have the ultimate 'shame' thrust upon them??? Let's see, we've got Dick Cheney (Mary), Phyllis Schlafly (John), Charles Socarides, National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (Richard), and Randall Terry (Jamiel) are just some to name a few. Good for them!!!

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