Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Who Owns What?!?!?!?

How often have you wondered in this day and age of mega-corporations, who really owns what? What power is concentrated into whose hands? Remember the power of the people when it came to the dissolution of apartheid? It was through the power of divestment.... Just imagine the power... Hummmmmmm.

Oh, sorry. I was just day dreaming of the power.

Anyway, I was checking out the Daou Report when I came across a rather innocuous direct to Will Pitt's site . It was titled Buying Back the Media, One Billionare at a Time . The nugget in the article is the link to Columbia Journalism Review's article on what Corporations own what. Now the limitation with this article is that it is only for Media Corporations, not all Corporations.


But it's still a powerful list.

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