Thursday, March 03, 2005

Honorable Sen. Byrd

Did anyone see or hear what came out of the Hon. Senator from W. Virginia's mouth? I was uncertain at first. I mean, let's have enough of PC already. Can't ANYONE say ANYTHING without it being insulting?

But then . . . I actually read what he said. Now, I know he's supposed to be the 'historian of the Senate' given his propensity for injecting history into his debates. But as a 'historian' one would think he's understand the implication of his words:

"We, unlike Nazi Germany or Mussolini's Italy, have never stopped being a nation of laws, not of men," Byrd said. "But witness how men with motives and a majority can manipulate law to cruel and unjust ends."
Byrd then quoted historian Alan Bullock, saying Hitler "turned the law inside out and made illegality legal."

I know he's a doddering old man of 87, but com' on. Was he subliminally still attached to the Dems thought that Bush was equal to Hitler? After all, what got me was this:

...Byrd's remark that "some in the Senate are ready to callously incinerate" senators' rights to filibuster.
He must be losing it if he's using 'incinerate' and comparing this administration to Hitler in the same speech.

And I'm not even going to bring up HIS past (OK, so I am now...), but it has nothing to do with this issue.

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