Monday, March 21, 2005

Schiavo Debacle

At first I was going to resist commenting on the Terri Schiavo mess. After hearing so much from both sides, I just can't let it pass without commenting.

Foremost, I feel sorry both the Schiavos and the Schindlers. The Schindlers are doing what most parents would do and try to protect their daughter and still hold out hope. No matter what the Right Wingnuts say to cloud the issue, the husband has been consistent in his belief he is carrying out Terri's wishes.

No matter what hope the Schindlers hold out for, barring a Lazarus-like miracle, Terri will never improve. The Wingnuts can site example after example til the turn into a blue stater. It's not going to change anything. Dave at Justus for All has a link to a site which shows her CAT scan compared to a normal brain. It leaves no doubt.

I don't know whether or not the feeding tube should be removed allowing her to slowly die or not. Although I'm a strong believer in a person's right to die, I don't know enough about this case. I think if I was in Michael Schiavo's position, I'd sign over the power of attorney to the parents. They want to take care and love their daughter. Even though, if she really is 'alive', she'd be confined to a living hell. A prison only Kafka could imagine.

Now, what is just amazing to me is all the hypocrisy being shown by our Federal Govt. How in the hell can these Bozos think they take this action with a straight face and say anything about the Marriage Act or State's Rights? This case has been through 19 judges and the Florida Supreme Court, yet they want to complain about 'activist' judges??? They are pathetic. ESPECIALLY, in light of this site by News Hounds I stumbled upon today. It truly shows the hypocrisy of Bush, DeLay and their ilk. After all, Bush signed into law in 1999, a bill allowing hospitals to remove life support even over the objections of the family! So, if you run out of money or Medicare runs out, you get 10 days to find a new home or the plug gets pulled. The law was then modified in 2003 to allow this kind of Republican sympathy to be extended to children.

States have passed Right to Die laws and Medical Marijuana laws and yet the Feds will not recognize those state rights...But abortion and gay marriage?? Oh, these are states rights all the way!! The Left is just as ridiculous since they've encouraged the abrogation of right to the Feds. Now they want to take it back. Well good luck. This is just a mess and it shows our leaders to be puppets to special interests overriding the Federal principles they so often hide behind.

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