Saturday, May 22, 2004

Michael Berg's Lack of Reality

The loss of a child would have to be the most tragic loss a person could know. The loss of reality very well could be caused by the loss of your child. However, I'm of the mind that Michael Berg's reality was already out on a milk run. His unbelievable essay in the Guardian shows just how far over the edge his reality has gone.

I am sure, knowing my son, that somewhere during their association with him these men became aware of what an extraordinary man my son was. I take comfort that when they did the awful thing they did, they weren't quite as in to it as they might have been. I am sure that they came to admire him.

I am sure that the one who wielded the knife felt Nick's breath on his hand and knew that he had a real human being there. I am sure that the others looked into my son's eyes and got at least a glimmer of what the rest of the world sees. And I am sure that these murderers, for just a brief moment, did not like what they were doing.

This is so unbelievable it's mind blowing!! Not quite as in to it as they might have been? ? ? Not like what they were doing? ? ? ? But wait there's more.

So what were we to do when we in America were attacked on September 11, that infamous day? I say we should have done then what we never did before: stop speaking to the people we labelled our enemies and start listening to them. Stop giving preconditions to our peaceful coexistence on this small planet, and start honouring and respecting every human's need to live free and autonomously, to truly respect the sovereignty of every state.

This man would be willing to talk us into extinction!

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