Friday, November 19, 2004

Clinton Pathos

Wow, did anyone see the preview of Peter Jennings interview of Bill Clinton? Talk about hubris!!! Such anger and falderal!!!

(Ok, Ok... stop me now!!! First pathos and hubris and then falderal ?!?!?! See what happens when you read, children!!!!)

I was not a fan of the Impeachment proceedings and thought it was a waste of my money and capital, but I also understood that Kenneth Starr was hung out to dry since his 'mandate' came from the Attorney General (remember the wonderful Janet Reno!!!!). The Prosecutor was not a self-driven position. In fact. I seem to remember he had to turn down a position at Pepperdine Univ. because he had to fulfill his mandate.

I thought Clinton was a rather good POTUS, but if he's going to be Nixonian about this...screw `em!!

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