Monday, November 01, 2004


OK, the time has come . . .

I've been avoiding blogging due to all the crap surrounding this year's election. I've been in tune with our wonderful political system since the `70s. And each year, we hear of the increase in acrimony and 'dirty' politics we, as the electorate, are disgusted with, yet each cycle brings us closer to the Hatfields and McCoys or Southsides v. Northsides or (and I like this one!!) Valleys v. Locals (get off my wave, punk . . . thanks to the Surf Punks of old!!)

What's going to happen if Kerry wins ? ? ? Does our country cease to exist as we know it? Do we de-evolve into a society of pantywastes? I don't think so, but we'll probably trend towards the Wilsonian utopia envisioned for the League of Nations. But how do we contain Iran?

Until our next election! ! !

If Bush wins ? ? ? Do we subject the world to our military domination? What of Iran? Screw North Korea, did I mention I was concerned with the mullahs???

Either way, this will not be the Fall of the Roman Empire, but it may be a defining moment in US politics on what direction we as a nation will trend towards in the next 20 yrs.

So, my vote is for . . . . Bush (surprised???), but let's sit back and enjoy the show brought to us by all the lawyers and sore losers (on either side!!)

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