Sunday, June 06, 2004

The Gipper

Well, what's to say that all the other Bloggers haven't added already about the late President. Regardless of political persuasion, and the vitriol from the Left as well as the messianic rants from the Right aside, this man was a rather large figure on the American landscape. He came at a time when America needed him. At the time of his reign, I was not a fan. However, I've come into the latter stage of Churchill's famous dictum, therefore am better able to appreciate what he did. But not without some serious reflection.

I was a teenager in California during the `70s and remember his legacy as governor. Time fades memories, but at the time I clearly recall being abhorred at the thought of this man being POTUS. The 1980 election was my first one and as any young good political junkie, I didn't have a clue but it was ANYBODY but Ronnie!!! I thought Carter was weak during the Iranian Crisis, so I did what any naive newbie does . . . I voted for John Anderson! It started me down a path of Libertarianism that still gnaws at me today.

I remember being such the pragmatist that I took Russian in High School since I just *knew* we'd be going to war if Reagan became POTUS. In fact, I figured even if Carter retained the POTUS we'd still go to war . . . If I wasn't such an ol' dog, I'd take Mandarin today . . . I'll see if they offer it when the Wee Ones are ready to take language 101, but I digress . . .

Even during the `80s, I wasn't impressed with RR. I was in college, so you can only guess how I felt about the Contras and all of the crap going on in Central America. I remember not being overly upset when he was shot . . . in fact I was more upset when John Lennon was assassinated!!!

I was unable to bring myself to vote for either Party due to the Gridlock that consumed the `80s. I still flinch at the thought of voting for Bush this year, but I just see Kerry as being Carteresque and that does not bode well for the country. Once again, we need someone who is decisive. Someone who can take on the newest and possibly the greatest evil in our lifetime, Islamofacists. I would give my right hand to know that these evil, evil pigs are sent back into the stone age they so desire.

Anyway, after reflection, I do feel like he was a great President. In seeing several clips yesterday and today, the biggest thing I noticed was Reagan took resposnibility for actions during his Admin, everything from Beirut to Contragate. Man, is that refreshing!! I forgot what it was like. . . Nowadays NOBODY takes responsibility for ANYTHING.

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