Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Tuesday's Choices

Tuesday's weekly fare . . .
Would you rather:
1. All your toenails rot and fall off OR grow a thick, bushy coat of back hair? Oh hair, no doubt
2. Have the psychic ability to hear other people's thoughts but be unable to turn it off OR the psychic ability to transmit your thoughts to everyone within a mile, but again you can't turn it off? Get ready for my opinion folks
3. Watch Richard Simmons and Susan powter get it on OR Oprah and Dr. Phil? Let's go High Intensity!!
4. Find a cure for cancer, but be ridiculed for it for 20 years before it was accepted OR find a cure for cancer and be considered a hero for 5 years, only for the public to find out it was a hoax. Let's cure this thing, to hell with my ego

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